the animal that is 2025

It’s funny that January arrives and it’s a new year and things feel slow and cold and kind of hazy but still the buzzing of future plans pushes me to be thinking ahead to spring and summer and fall. Here we are in winter.

Everything felt fresh for me on January 1st this time. Most new years come and I don’t feel the grandeur of a whole new part of the story coming into view, but this year I did. Something switched. I could hear something new happening around and inside of me and it felt good, exciting, promising. It felt glittery in the middle of a dark, unknowable time. We started this year with a new moon, when the sky holds no light except for the stars. In that darkness there were so many seeds planted, so many wishes sown for the year ahead. I wrote all of my dreams and intentions down:

“In the year 2025 I call in:

fearless creativity, divinely inspired connections, world changing partnerships, unlimited kindness, beauty, self love/care, dreams coming true, safety in vulnerability, deep true friendships, celebration of platonic love, writing letters to more people, not keeping things in storage anymore, believing in in own goodness and the goodness of everyone around me, honesty, regular rituals, meaningful family time, cosmic chemistry, feeling like myself and knowing who I am”

This year I turn 30. This year my word is Here. And it is about remembering. Remembering where I am and where I want to be. And establishing myself not by planning five years in advance, but by curating my daily life to look the way I want it to now. 2025 is going to be wild.


the end of the world

