when you realize you know where you are

It’s a full moon in Aries and I just had an aha moment while driving home from dinner with friends.

I had a moment where I realized I knew where I was and I didn’t need the map on my phone anymore to navigate me home. And I started thinking about how in life right now I kind of feel like I’m in this parallel moment where I am no longer looking at something outside of myself to know how to get somewhere. In fact, I don’t even know what the destination is; I just know where I am. And that’s good enough for now.

I flip flop constantly about what I’m doing with this website/blog/art in general. I’m consistently worried about not being present online because apparently as an artist you’re supposed to have a website and blah blah blah. It seems like especially if you’re not someone who engages with an audience on social media then you at least need to have a website where people can find you and know what you’re all about. But I don’t really even know what I’m all about yet so I don’t know how to present myself to the world. I’m not very streamlined. And maybe nobody needs me to be.

